Some guys do out of this world gimmicks like putting up their wedding proposals on billboards or ad boards for all the commuters along the highway to see! Proposing at the middle of a flight snatching the stewardess' microphone and asking for his gf's hand in marriage while on board the plane!
A proposal made by one basketball player in the Philippines at the middle of the court and on national TV!
What would make you swoon all over gals when your guy suddenly pops up the question? Would you go for a traditional wedding proposal? Or would you be delighted if your man will get a little more creative and make it extra special for you? I wouldn't be embarrassed if my guy suddenly kneels before me in front of all my friends plus a romantic music at the background, maybe a song we both love would be nice.

While some guys do have a hard time asking their gf's hand in marriage, some do connive with the friends or relatives of their ladies to help them out. That would be a great idea if you're having a hard time organizing it alone.

This is not just for the gals who are waiting for their bf's to propose but also for those who are contemplating on popping up the question to their precious lady loves. All ideas and suggestions are very much welcome.

Now, why did I compose such a blog? Is this a premonition that sooner someone would propose to me formally? LOL

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