Before involving ourselves romantically to the opposite sex, to the object of our affection, we must not just lay all our cards on the table and go with the flow. The relationship might be headed at the wrong direction if there aren't no clear intentions at first. How do you know he/she is just seeing you and no other on the sides when he/she can commit readily and make what you have official? If you can't label your relationship as such and such since one party is still having qualms as to where you're going to see yourselves in the coming days, there is a definite uncertainty that this person isn't sure of his/her feelings for you yet. Unless you are fond of just wasting your time over things and people, this set up suits you so just SETTLE. In love today, all out of love tomorrow. LOL

Do your feelings turn cold at times as if you think you really don't love the person and then the next day you feel all lovey dovey again? A roller coaster of raging emotions indicating that what you experience at the pit of your stomach is not a knot because of being IN LOVE but because it is just a passing fancy that can readily topple down a prospective affair at any given moment of time.
Maybe you are just plain lonely and bored with your routinary life that you feel this NEED to be with someone.You mistaken your being selfish for wanting to give your love to another when actually you're merely using the person for your diversion and empty life.
There are no proven ways to escape from future heart aches but on the onset of your dealings with other people, you can readily gauge if they are ready to give their full heart to you only and not treat you like one of their options.Consistency as to what they often tell you as well as sticking by their promises and having word of honor are also essential in a potential love bond.
There are men and women alike out there who are not yet "commitment-ready". How would you know if they haven't outgrown their "playful habits?" Be aware of some red flags along the way and don't get blinded by mere sweet, flowery words coming from their trembling mouths. It should be beyond words as actions speak louder like what we already know.
So how to show our commitment to another :
*Exclusivity- Need I explain more? Stick to one not stick to many others at the sides when you can LOL

*Word of honor- Be able to deliver one's promises and be consistent to what we say including honesty and being open to our partner.
*Marking territories- If we truly love one another, we let other people know we are a couple at the right given time and not be embarrassed about the relationship. How would you feel if time has passed by and still he doesn't want to expose your love? Could it be that he's not sure yet like you? LOL

*Weaving dreams /Planning together- Having plans of being together one day and putting them into ACTIONS not just mere planning!

There are yet many other ways how we can show our commitment. You just have to ask yourselves a hundred if not a thousand times : AM I TRULY READY TO COMMIT? Or I will easily QUIT? LOL

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