I consider myself as a passionate person and whenever I have my eye on something, I give it my full concentration.Writing as I've always been telling people is my first ever first love ! - my greatest passion! And no amount of andrenaline rush (even the typical highs surging to one's being when he is inlove) could prove more satisfying than putting down into words the ideas enveloping and swirling on my mind.
Writing gives me a perfect opportunity to vent out either inspiring or negative feelings towards any subject of interests to me (instead of consulting a shrink and laying down on the couch for hours anfd for sessions on end) , this is one great outlet for letting loose of yourself and express your oppressed emotions that are like monsters eating you slowly inside.

Chocolait, tsokolat, chocos, chochies, tsokolate- all but the same food for the gods - CHOCOLATE! yummy, delectable - one of life's ultimate guilty pleasures as my second obsession. Who could resist these- mouth watering, spine tingling sweets? I feel this periodic attacks of gigantic cravings to take a grab of those chocos. (my boyfriend is aware of this). I am one of those souls who were born with a sweet tooth and I'm loving it!Indulge myself once in awhile for life would ne rather dull if I'll deprive myself of these precious ones! Eating chocolates they say is one alternative you can turn to if one wants to experience the highs of being in love. It makes me feel even more in love...

Horror flicks and horror novels of Stephen King- my third addiction. Living proofs are his countless books lining up my now fully-loaded shelves in my "sanctuary"- my bedroom! Many may shriek at the idea, me being a horror novel fanatic but they can't truly understand this strange feeling of anticipation as my imagination runs wild upon reading his novels. I'm not a freak nor a creep but I do like the creeps like Stephen King.

Will I have to consider wanting to always talk to my bf as a valid addiction if not an obsession? LOL

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