According to Aileen Santos of Relationships and Life Reinvention Coaching here in the Philippines, there are 3 main stages of love we have to go through before we can readily say it's REAL LOVE we are having.
Read on to determine at what love stage are you in now and if you ever would make it through the finish line to say you have found your TRUE LOVE!
I have enumerated the stages and then tried to explain each in my own words and understanding)

1. Love is a feeling. It is in this stage where in we feel these butterflies in our stomach each time we meet that someone special when we are in the throes of a newly-found love! (feeling like high schoolers having their first crushes/loves

2. Love becomes a decision. - You woke up one day to realize you and your significant other really don't share the same passions and often have disagreement on things. You also got to discover you're exact opposites of each other BUT you still hold on anyway because of the mere fact that you chose to love him/her and his/her IMPERFECTIONS. Like what they say "To love is a decision".
3. Love is fueled by action. - In this stage, after you have totally accepted your partner for all his/her worth, you actively become supportive of one another's passions and dreams and being able to also understand his/her quirks and the stuff. Much more like agreeing to disagree on some things without actually having cat fights and the like.

Aileen Santos stated and I quoted " In the end, Real Love is made up of all three things: Feelings, Decisions, and Actions. Just remember that in Real Love, it's your Decisions that *lead* to your Actions, which in turn create your Feelings. And not the other way around. ;-) The relationship you long for doesn't happen by chance, by accident, by coincidence, or by luck. Because YOU have more influence over Love than you think. ;-)"
We may need junk removal to remove any unwanted "toxins" in our relationships in order to work it out 'til the end. And if it is meant to be and would land you in a happy ever after, it would be worth the effort!
If you will ask me, what love stage we are in, I can readily say me and my Prince are on stage 3! We are very supportive of each other's careers being both interested in the Arts and Music. It's quite thrilling and fun to continuously discover each passing day that we both love the same things (if not all) actually.
Blog pic courtesy of my Prince's Wedding Photography
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