The Fearless Wordsmith

The  Fearless Wordsmith
The Master's Princess of Words

The Fearless Wordsmith

Welcome to my blog site my constant readers!

This site's name is a combination of the titles of my two books "Seasons of Emotions" and "Inner Reflections of the Muse". "Looking For Your Half-Orange?" was the original title which had to be reconstructed.

Read posts about life, love and relationships straight from the fearless wordsmith's mouth!

A joyous reading escapade peeps!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Let Go Of the Shadow of Fear

How can we truly or authentically love other people if we are always living behind the shadow of an unknown fear? "We first have to overcome fear if we truly want to experience love." 

Some might have traumatic experiences from their past love lives that affect their present relationships. Close the old chapter of your past and turn the pages to a new and fresh beginning. The bad chapter of your life story doesn't necessarily define your present circumstances. Embrace the dawning of a renewed plot of your prospective love story and don't live a life full of fears and doubts stemming from flawed and broken chains from a time long gone. Crisp, fresh pages are created for you by the heavens just waiting for you to welcome  them with open arms and enjoy the wonderful new experiences yet to unfold. Remember : God will publish your love story but you must help Him compose a beautiful script full of life and lovely fond memories instead of always sorrows and strife.(how lovely it is day dreaming of a wonderful time with your significant other in a winter resort, right?)

There are other factors which deter a prospective love to unfold. Let me share these below as pointed out by Relationships and Life ReInvention Coaching (Philippines) :

"With men - they're afraid to try; always afraid of getting rejected
 With women - too afraid to encourage men; they're always afraid of being judged."

Who likes to be rejected anyways? Rejection is but natural in our lives since we really cannot have all things which we desire no matter how hard we try. The problem in this case is acceptance of disappointments and still have that drive and motivation to carry on and try again. If one guy blows up the chance to propose to a girl he likes, that could be one of his regrets - of not trying. He will just be bugged of asking himself "what if" questions. But what if the girl likes him too but was just waiting for him to make a move? 

Some women are really afraid of encouraging men for the fear of being judged. They always think of what will the guy or other people say if she makes the first move or be too friendly  which can be misinterpreted as being aggressive. "Subtle flirting" can be applied maybe or what one preacher coined as "flirtsoming". You make him feel special without being a pushover or throwing yourself at him like a desperate one.

Men and women are wired differently that's a universal fact- one is from Venus, the other hailed from Mars. So what is then the key here but to TRY and experience life. Without these disappointments and trials, one cannot be made strong to face whatever would still come their way. This does not apply only in the love  department  but in all aspects of our lives. Life involves risks - and they help shape what kind of person you would become. Having fear take charge of your life is like quitting even before you have tried doing something just because you feel discouraged or lack the drive.

Let go of your fear and move out of your comfort zone and experience how it is to really be alive! Try, fall down, get up and try again 'til you find your ultimate happiness.

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