At my age, I'm way past believing about fairy tale romances and meeting the ideal Prince. Having met different kinds of people around and having been to relationships ; witnessed other's who either succeeded or failed in their pursuit for the One, I can readily say, "there is no ideal Prince/ Princess."
As we humans are born imperfect, we all have flaws and frailties that our significant other should come to accept and love. (as i said before in my previous blog entry- Buy The Whole Package) The more we have high standards/qualifications before we can "hire"

I should have been married years go but then maybe it was just not yet meant to happen and that my exes weren't my destinies.

Whoever said that finding a lifetime partner would be an easy one? Others get all pressured with the time constraints - age, biological clock ticking, the world nearing it's end

But we couldn't force things to happen if it ain't the right time yet, not the right person and not even the right place at times. These are just humble thoughts coming out of a lady's coconut shell.

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