I am me, simply me born into this world with a certain mission to fulfill. A beautiful creation of the Almighty Artist, I am His immortal Masterpiece! I was made out of the wonderful Perfect Image of God and I believe each one of us was created this way.
I am ME, nothing and no one could change that fact. I won't let obscure criticisms dampen my free spirit into it's downfall. I wouldn't let negativity enter my conscience and cloud my soul and not to let grudge make me hate people and things that made me suffer in pain in the past. I don't have to change my thoughts, my ideals, my beliefs and my life path just to fit into the crowd or follow whatever society tells people to do. I create my own happiness and in no way will I be dependent on other people and mundane things to attain the authenticity of it's elusive pursuit. My thoughts is what makes me and what I have brought into the Universe will come back to me a thousand fold whether it be good or bad I have done in the course of my life journey.
I create my own legacy and if I want people to remember me well as someone who has touched their lives in one way or the other, I must remain steadfast in aspiring my dream of conquering my fears and finally take the risk to let my voice heard and let my star shine in the field of my expertise. I am a unique creation of God (He must have used the best app maker for human kind) and what could be a wonderful token of appreciation I could bestow on Him is the fruitful use of my God-given talents not only for my own selfish desires but also for touching people's lives especially those who need even a single soul to listen to them. If through my words and the mighty use of my pen would heal a suffering soul in distress, that would forever be embedded in my heart for I want to spread just LOVE and PEACE and would want to be an ambassador sent from Heaven above.
Me and you affect eternity and what you contribute in this world would forever leave a footprint in the days, months and years to come. Generations and generations would come and if you and I have planted good seeds in our journeys, we expect to reap good fruits in the form of people appreciating our existence and thankful of what we have imparted to them. It's up to you my friend how would like to be remembered in this world, how would you affect eternity! What mark would you be leaving ?
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