The Fearless Wordsmith

The  Fearless Wordsmith
The Master's Princess of Words

The Fearless Wordsmith

Welcome to my blog site my constant readers!

This site's name is a combination of the titles of my two books "Seasons of Emotions" and "Inner Reflections of the Muse". "Looking For Your Half-Orange?" was the original title which had to be reconstructed.

Read posts about life, love and relationships straight from the fearless wordsmith's mouth!

A joyous reading escapade peeps!

Friday, November 22, 2013

My PENTASI B Experience

Another dream come true dawned on me one fine day, my dream of meeting some fellow local and foreign poets, writers and artists in a world class poetry event. A rare opportunity and a once in a lifetime experience as a published international poet was given to me via the PENTASI B Historical Forum and World Friendship Poetry Celebration 2013 held last November 15, 2013 at the National Museum of the Filipino people in the Philippines. Months before the said event, the Father of Visual Poetry, Doc Penpen Takipsilim told me about the upcoming international forum and a formal invitation was sent by October wherein it was stated in the letter that I was invited to the event and that I would be receiving a medal award as "Inspirational Poet 2013" for my contributions in the in the literary world, here and abroad. I was elated at the mere thought of receiving  my first medal as a published poet. Wow, another dream come true to be recognized!

The PENTASI B Historical Forum and World Friendship Poetry Celebration were sponsored by The National Library of The Philippines, The National Museum of the Filipino People in collaboration with The National Commission for Culture and The Arts.

Anticipation combined with nervousness and excitement enveloped me while the event was coming near. The though of meeting my fellow local and international poets was also overwhelming since we all just met and chatted on a social media platform - thanks to Face Book! 

I really started my once hobby which now I consider a career as a poet through my connections on Face Book in which I was first and foremost exposed to international groups and organizations. I have established my niche and status as a professional writer and an international published poet  having been featured in more than 30 international anthologies which includes global charity anthologies in the USA, UK, Africa, India and Canada. It was also through this social networking site that I get to join in some international poetry competitions, receive international awards and had a chance to get my first international poetry book "Seasons of Emotions" by Destiny To Write Publications, UK be published last January, 2013. My second upcoming book entitled "Inner Reflections of The Muse",a collection of poetry, prose, articles and quotes will be released January, 2014 to be published by Inner Child Press, Ltd. USA.

A month before the forum and awarding rites, I prepared myself, what wardrobe to wear, one that has that "artistic look " and so I came up with a printed maxi dress and had a black blazer worn over it. I don't usually attend to much events before, being just a low profile and quiet type of person. But God had magnificent plans for me and they are unveiling right before my very eyes!

Friends, my family and colleagues at work were too excited also for me and I really felt they are surely supportive in all my endeavors as a writer. As if they are the ones who will be receiving the award that day! They all gave me moral support that helped me develop my self-confidence more. I thank all my supporters, fans and mentors for I will not have gone this far within them backing me up throughout my journey.

At the hallway of  Marble Hall of The National Museum of the Philippines, our tribute poems for the Father of Visual Poetry were displayed. The color of the canvass of my tribute poem entitled "Poetry Magic" complimented my printed maxi dress that day.
My tribute poem, "Poetry Magic"

So what is PENTASI B? It goes way beyond modern poetry, transgresses all kinds of poetry and goes back into the ancient times as old as The Egyptian hygrolyphics. It is not block nor free verse style of poetry and works  beyond languages and words. It stands for P- Philosophical Evolving, Extraordinary N Genre Technology (4 Ms - Multi-modal, Multi-sensorical, Multi-angular and Multi-dimensional) Arts and aesthetics Science (essence of  The Father of Visual Poetry, Doc Penpen Takipsilim's work as a pathologist) Invention and innovation Bio or the life definition.

The PENTASI B Historical Forum launched a Filipino invention, PENTASI B, an innovative invention by The Father of Visual Poetry, Doc Penpen Takipsilim , a different form of visual poetry book that goes beyond languages with a mission "to inspire, to heal and to awaken" for the betterment of Humankind. The panelists elaborated on the new poetic form for better understanding and judgment. VIPs who attended were international delegates from different countries and local panelists  which includes Ms. Zayra Yves, a multi talented poet and creative writer from the USA, Sir Ashok Bhargava, founder and President of WINS (Writers International Network Society) of Canada; Sir Rogelio Ordonez, multi awarded Filipino writer and Ms. Lily Rose Tope of the Department of English and Comparative Literature of the University of the Philippines. The PENTASI B was first displayed at the University of British Columbia. 

It was truly an exciting and very enriching world class literary event honoring poets who made their heartful contributions in literature, talented, artistic individuals who made their marks in this world through their immortal poetry works. I had a surprise that really caught me off guard during the awarding rites. Instead of giving me a medal, they gave me a heavy weight, glass trophy! It literally left me in awe being on stage after my name was called and felt I was floating seeing myself there, Ms. Ceri Naz and Doc Penpen handing me the trophy and giving me a handshake! I was just speechless at that time, can't really open my mouth to say something to them!

Group picture with the awardees

The glass trophy presented to me is dedicated to my Dad, the late Roberto N. Castillo who celebrated his supposed to be 70th birthday last November 21st, days after the event. At first I thought it was a medal that I can bring with me when I visit him at the memorial park but then it was a heavy trophy so I wasn't able to bring it to him there for it was fragile. Here now is my first glass trophy, my certificate of recognition attending PENTASI B Historical Forum and my first international poetry book "Seasons of Emotions" along with his photo- these are my gifts for my late Dad who is in heaven now.My Dad who is one of my Number One fans! 

I am proud to be a Filipino and was really happy having been a part of this spectacular historical event as I answered one of the hosts during the event when he asked me how did I feel during that time.Truly poets, writers and artists affect eternity! Touching moments and irreplaceable, memorable moments with my fellow artists left a special mark in my heart that I will always cherish.
Me and my poet friend, Beng Nicdao

Me and fellow local and international poets

Me with my fellow local poets!
A shot during the opening prayer
Me teary-eyed during that touching moment that happened during the awarding rites

Imagine a world without poetry - a dull, lifeless world for poetry gives life and energy to all things around us.
Long live the poets, writers and artists who rock and affect eternity!
Our PENTASI B Group Picture In front of The National Museum of the Philippines

I would like to thank Ms. Ceri Naz and The Father Of Visual Poetry for giving me the opportunity to be a part of this historical event and poetry celebration and for recognizing my contributions as a wordsmith and poet. More power and blessings to you both! See you all in 2015 for another world class poetry event!

Note : Photos courtesy of Ms. Ceri Naz, Beng Nicdao, Doc Penpen Takipsilim and myself

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

World Healing, World Peace Advocate

I am an Official World Healing and World Peace Poetry 2014 Sponsor! My Sponsor's Badge is up now here on my blog site.This great advocacy is spearheaded by William S. Peters and Janet Caldwell of Inner Child Enterprise Ltd., USA with their mission to elevate consciousness, effectuate change, work collectively and leave a legacy worthy of their presence. I am a proud member of the Inner Child Family!To be part of this great family is truly an honor for they have given me many opportunities in my writing career and they are a group of caring, loving and talented, amazing people.

Please consider becoming an Official Sponsor of "World Healing World Peace Poetry 2014" and claim your Sponsor's Badge. Have your Name or Organization and Web Link Advertised Globally for FREE !!!! There is no obligation except your Consciousness. ~

You can also find the Facebook Page of World Healing, World Peace at to get updates.

"We are all children of the universe."

Friday, July 5, 2013

Fate, Passion and Compassion

I was fortunate enough to have been featured in more than 30 international anthologies so far, some of which are actually for global charities. Some of my international advocacies have been for cancer research, for the children in Africa, for the victims of  rape and domestic violence, etc. And you know what, here is something I'd like to share with you my constant readers and supportive friends, I gain much fulfillment doing global outreach anthologies than those that just give me opportunities to expose my craft. Yes, it does matter that I get to share my works with people around, gain recognition and even get royalties in the sales of my own international poetry book (which by the way goes also to donations, one of which is UNICEF) but there is nothing compared to the feeling of being able to help those in dire need through my writing for I  also don't have the extra money to donate directly. Another truly important and enriching experience is my chance to collaborate with fellow writers/poets/artists from around the world! I have learned so much working with these people who share the same passion and compassion to help the unfortunate. I am proud and happy to be a member of the Indies In Action (IIA) group spearheaded by Stephen Wilson, a group composed of talented and compassionate authors, poets, artists from around the globe working as a real team for various charitable anthologies for the benefit of those victims and survivors of tragedies.It is the same group that gave you "Angels Cried" for the benefit of the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy victims. As I have mentioned in one thread posted on the Facebook group of IIA before, nothing can compare to the teamwork Indies In Action members exhibit each time we are working on a project. The other anthologies I am in simply let us submit our contributions and await for the release of the book. The contributors are not given opportunities to collaborate behind the scenes before the production of the anthologies. With IIA, you can truly feel you belong and that all of you give your best efforts for the fulfillment of a great advocacy- to help. "Distance, beliefs and culture are not barriers if one really wants to help the unfortunate and get involved in global charities." (this is my own quote). Kudos to Stephen Wilson and to my co-authors, co-members in Indies In Action! (IIA).
Official IIA Logo

And now to bring you the good news- the other reason this blog feature was written. Indies In Action has once again produced yet another love offering "Twist of Fate", for the benefit of the May 2013 tornado victims in the city of Moore, Oklahoma, USA. 60 kind-hearted, talented authors/poets/artists from around the globe from 9 various countries collaborated and contributed their pieces to bring you this global charity anthology. It is now available in paperback edition via Amazon. You can get your copies at Twist of Fate (simply click on the text "Twist of Fate" and it will take you to the Amazon page where you can buy the book)
Book Cover Courtesy of Navigator Books
The anthology is also available in ebook versions also on Amazon, Barnes and Noble and Smashwords. For more details, you can visit the official site Indies In Action . All proceeds go to May Tornadoes Relief Fund, managed by the United Way, which in turn is used to help the victims of this tragic display of nature's fury. Grab your copies now and make a difference! Thank you for your support in all our advocacies!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Gina McKnight: Elizabeth Castillo

My feature interview in another international blog site: Gina McKnight: Elizabeth Castillo: From Rizal, Philippines, Elizabeth Castillo is an international poetess. Her first book of poetry,  Season of Emotions , was released in...

Sunday, March 10, 2013

ShahSight: ‎Elizabeth Castillo

ShahSight: ‎Elizabeth Castillo: Shah Fazli ‎ Elizabeth Castillo , Thanks for coming to our show today, one more poetess from the Angels Cried Anthology and one more day of...

Sunday, January 13, 2013

A Journey Through Seasons of Emotions

It used to be just a childhood dream from the past of seeing not just my byline in some magazines and newspapers but of gracing the front cover of a book - of my very own book! Yes, I was this once unassuming lass from way back who dreamed of becoming a writer and of ultimately publishing my own book that would be my gift to the world. I am currently a professional feature writer/blogger/poet/contributing editor/columnist and have experienced featuring my articles in both the local newspapers as news correspondent in the Philippines and in a corporate magazine as feature writer and also for 2 international magazines, Inner Child the Magazine and Winning Strategies Magazine. Poetry then was just one of my well-loved hobbies.I started posting my compositions on a social networking site's poetry groups and from there I started to contribute pieces to international anthologies by the year 2011.

I have been scribbling poetry since my elementary days up 'til now and how they have evolved through the years! I started composing love poems and now has gotten into deeper, more meaningful pieces ranging from feel-good poems, nature poems, love poems and even dark poetry as well as poetry-prose. Yes, as I also wanted to be a flexible writer and poet to make masterpieces that depict various feelings that come from the deepest core of the human heart. 

My Virtual Bookshelf of the International Anthologies I Was Featured In (not updated yet)

I have been featured in almost 20 plus international poetry/prose anthologies in the USA and UK and winning the  Best of 2012 Poems free book publication contest by Destiny to Write Publications, UK of Barry Mowles, paved the way for me to finally have my own book - "Seasons of Emotions". The book title was originally an idea of my significant other Bry which was "Emotions of Seasons" at the first stage but I changed into "Seasons of Emotions" - a collection of poetry depicting a roller coaster ride of various emotions just like the changing seasons.

Winning Strategies Magazine, an international magazine where I am one of the columnist also got to feature me in an interview after winning the international contest.

To make the book more personalized I asked the publisher if we could provide the cover design and so Bry also made 2 book cover samples at first and we agreed on the final cover which seems simple but mysterious with the quite "creepy" branches of the lone tree in what seems to be a deserted land. As the famous cliche, "Simplicity is beauty." We also got to learn that most people loved the final cover than the first book cover sample so a decision was made in favor of the second design.

First Book Cover Sample
Final Book Cover

I am now a Goodreads Author and it is also a helpful tool for me to promote my first book as I also have made also a Goodreads book page for "Seasons of Emotions".

My Goodreads Author Page

Seasons of Emotions Goodreads Book Page

"Seasons of Emotions" is first and foremost a book dedicated to my dearly departed Dad, the late Roberto N. Castillo who died just last year succumbing to liver cancer. I got my being poetic from my Dad and I have included 2 of his immortal love poems written for my Mom circa 1960s.

I have broken up my book into 12 Chapters where you can get to read and experience different reflections of the muse in different stages of her life depicting the changing seasons. Some of the most-loved pieces I created are included in this special book and so lovers of my poetry will find this a nice collection worth keeping and or be given as a gift to a loved-one. Another thing that makes this poetry book special is that part of the proceeds of my book sales will be donated to charities particularly in helping street children, sending a child to school through World Vision and helping cancer patients. This book is not just all about me but my gift to the world- the gift of words! Please help me with this noble cause by purchasing your copies of my book.

You can now purchase paperback copies of "Seasons of Emotions" online at

Seasons of Emotions Lulu Link

"Seasons of Emotions" can also be found at Goodreads :

Visit me at my Facebook Fan Page at

My Goodreads Author Page :