The God-given talents one has are not merely for his own disposal and enjoyment. These are placed on your custody for a definite and meaningful purpose which maybe beyond what you see with your naked eyes and can comprehend. They were given not only for your own selfish motives and mundane desires but to share and spread the message across that the world can be united by showing our compassion as well offering our amiable efforts to help our unfortunate brethren. The world today is plagued with numerous global concerns heeding our immediate attention. Famine in less than blessed countries, drought and lack of food supply rendering children to get sick with lingering illnesses and much worst scenario is dying helplessly all rooted in one common denominator- poverty.
I believe engaging one's self in charities need not be necessarily confined just within one's own country for we all are connected - black, white, yellow or brown as the case maybe- we are One. We are each other's responsibilities similar to the infamous saying "You are your brother's keeper." And I believe too that this is one of my callings from above - to share the talents I am gifted with not just for gaining fame or getting a lot of bucks, even getting fast payday loan being published as a writer/poet. I have been lucky to get myself involved in some international poetry anthologies with fellow foreign poets from all over, the books having been published on Amazon, Blurb, Lulu and Booktrix. 3 global charities to date, the first one being the prestigious "Live Life: The Day Dreamer's Journal:
( for the benefit of the American Cancer Research and was a "World Record Holder For Most Artists Contributing To The Cover Of An Anthology" and the most recent was a tribute to 9/11, "World Trade 9/11 Tribute" released on Lulu with all proceeds from the book sales going to a chosen charity for the families of the horrifying terrorist attack of 2011.
The Song of Sahel Anthology (Poetry, Art, Music Photography) spearheaded by the award-winning social entrepreneur, an environmental campaigner and a singer/songwriter, Dr.Niamh Clune, the author of the Skyla McFee series: "Orange Petals in a Storm", and "Exaltation of a Rose" as well as author of "The Coming of the Feminine Christ" and "Every Child is Entitled to Innocence", is yet another global charity project I am very much honored to be a part of together with fellow talented and wonderful writers and artists from around the globe. To be launched on September 15th, the proceeds of this charity project will go to SOS Sahel, an NGO in the Sahel region of Africa which helps African children in the said area. Click on the link to know more about the anthology and meet the contributing authors, artists and photographers who chose to make a difference in this world by collaborating their talents, time, hearts and efforts to make this good endeavor into fruition!
**enclosed picture (anthology cover Source : )
This anthology is close to my heart for the fact that I am a witness of the plight of some street children in my country, the Philippines- lack of proper meals and a decent home to sleep in. I am quite excited about the event like what the others feel too I know and exalted at the same time that I have become part of this global project and that in my own little way, I can somehow make a difference in the world together with my fellow artists! In the future, when my dream of getting my own books published, I will still engage myself in these good endeavors for my less fortunate brethren for I believe it's one way of showing God my appreciation for the gifts He has given me.